Shuttering Oil is designed for use with timber, steel, G.R.P., and other resinous formwork coatings.
Method of Application
To Provide quick, clean and easy stripping of moulds and formwork and ensure high quality fair-faced and stain free concrete. 1 Ltr. of Bendito Shuttering Oil to be mixed with 5 Ltr. of Water. Take a quantity of oil in a container and add same quantity of water in it. Stir it vigorously to form a paste. Then add recommended water to form off white colour emulsion
Coating Bendito Shuttering Oil can be applied by brush or conventional mould oil sprayer. Shuttering oil should be applied in a light continuous film. If oil is over applied, excess material should be allowed to drain and then carefully removed from the bottom of the mould by means of a sponge or cloth. Pools of Bendito shuttering oil should be allowed to dry otherwise surface retardation of the concrete may occur. Unlike conventional mould oils, Shuttering oil does not possess residual release properties so it is important prior to each occasion of use, all areas of the mould are recoated. Particular attention should be paid to coating mould rims in order to avoid adhesion of overspill cement slurry
- Low cost and water dilutable-economical to use Non hazardous, non toxic
- Suitable for all types of concrete moulds / formworks
- Non staining
- Minimizes cleaning of shutters before reuse
- Reduces imperfections on concrete surfaces
- Extends life of the wood/steel shuttering
Supplied in 1Ltr, 5 Ltr, 200 Ltr